About Us

On Un/Livable Cultures, the hosts Clayton, Julia, and Cody draw on their assorted academic training, research interests, and professional experience to break down recent events and social phenomena. Throughout the podcast, we talk about how worlds are made unlivable for many, while also trying to elevate efforts and approaches devoted to making the world more livable.

Cody Skahan (cas12@hi.is) is a student in the MA program in Anthropology at the University of Iceland as a Leifur Eriksson Fellow. His work focuses on environmentalism in Iceland, especially the socio-psychological and political implications of the youth environmentalist movement in an arctic country that has created for itself a façade of being environmentally and socially progressive. More generally, his other interests span anywhere from critical theory, psychoanalysis, queer theory, anarchism, cultural studies, anime studies, media and applying theory through praxis. 

Julia Coverdale (jcoverdale@ksu.edu) is a student finishing their Bachelors in Anthropology and History with a minor in Queer Studies at Kansas State University. Their work focuses on social identity through ceramic analysis in the American Southwest, focusing on the Chacoan Phenomenon and corrugated pottery. Additionally, they focus on applications of queer theory in archaeology and expanding understandings of gender in the past.

Clayton Jarrard (cjarrard717@gmail.com) is currently a Research Project Coordinator at the University of Kansas, contributing to initiatives at the nexus of applied research, policy implementation, and community efforts. His scholarly engagement spans the subject areas of Cultural Anthropology, Queer Studies, Disability Studies, Mad Studies, and Religious Studies.

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